Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Chris Levine's Eclectiblog

With his collection of Eclectiblog essays and entries, Chris Levine comes fully around the New Media circle with his goal of getting everyone involved intact.

It is a wonder that someone of Levine’s gifts - keen eye and memory, aesthetic polish, and the intellect and imagination to draw connections between them - are found in someone so genuinely friendly.

That’s the chord - friendliness - playing behind all the things that he does. He wants us all to get along, and what better way for us to do that than with mutual appreciation for the funky bass lines of Freddie Trujillo, or the fearless soul performance of Bettye LaVette?

What’s that? You haven’t heard of them? Neither had I. But Levine thoroughly explains, not like the coolest teacher you’ve ever had, but like the coolest, smartest friend your little brother ever had. He possesses no hipster disdain, displays no Jack-Black-in-Hi-Fidelity smugness, when, say, he breaks down Chris Dowd’s contribution to Fishbone.

Levine does it because he wants you to know, because knowing is awesome and cool, and once you know, you’re bound to have as much fun as he’s having.

That’s not true, of course. Hardly anyone has as much fun as Chris Levine, though that’s not for his lack of trying.

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